Risk of bed bugs infestation after moving
The day after moving day Can sometimes come with unwanted guests surprises.
Bed bugs and cockroaches are the most popular insects new renters sometimes find after moving to a new place. In the city of Montreal, low income renters ($20,000/yr-), their numbers show that 8.9 per cent have a higher risk to find unwanted insects such as bed bugs and cockroaches inside their new home, compare to 0.9 per cent for population in a higher bracket of salary ($60000+/yr). That goes without saying that higher income doesn’t necessary means you are protected from an infestation.
Dobelo Extermination & Pest Control
Let’s start by saying; critters don’t choose social status or salary bracket. It’s only fair to say that new renters with a higher salary will most likely choose a location in a more residential area, maybe a new condo complex. Compare to those with a lower income, new renters who will most likely go for an area that is more crowded; like an older apartment complex where infestation may be more common..
There are many chances if you choose to move to a more crowded area, where new renters are coming and going on a regular bases, you will have a higher risk of getting in infestations from the previous tenant, even the neighbours from other apartments in the building. To reassure you, bed bugs don’t bite and don’t transmit illness to human, it’s more in the psychological affect of knowing they can crawl on you at night, that can cause some insomnia and bring some unnecessary stress.
When moving to a new place, we suggest you inspect the premises to spot any indication of a possible infestation. You may want to look for bedbugs around the electrical outlet and baseboards, drapes and blinds (if there’s any). As for cockroaches, you may want to take a look in the kitchen and the bathroom, under the sinks, behing the fridge and stove, washer and dryer.
If you see any signs of a possible infestation, don’t wait and contact your local exterminator. Professional exterminators have the proper equipment to get rid of unwanted guests such as critters, Domestic products and pesticides are not strong enough to get rid of the problem once and for all. A professional exterminator do!