Cockroach Infestation
Cockroaches are a group of insects belonging to Blattodea family. There is about 30 different cockroach species associated with human habitats and infestations, but in reality there are thousands of different cockroach species crawling around the world. The most common cockroaches in North-America are; the German cockroaches, the oriental cockroaches, and the American cockroaches varieties. Cockroaches are omnivorous; which means they will feed on anything that is deemed nutritional to them, including plants and animal-based food.

Infestation Origin:
Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures, so you will most likely see them late at night, when you walk into your kitchen and turn on the light. If you do see cockroaches during the day, it’s usually because the overcrowding guests has forced them out into the open during the day, so chances are you’ve got a pretty large roach infestation inside your home. Like most insects, cockroaches prefer the warmer months and are most active in the spring, summer and even early fall. If you step on a cockroach or walked through roach eggs, you could bring them into your home without knowing. Know that a dead cockroach releases oleic acid when they die. This has a pungent smell which will attracts other cockroaches into your home.

Infestation Preventive Care:
To prevent a cockroach and other insects infestations; Beware of moisture, and leaking sinks and appliances that will create the moisture or humidity needed for cockroaches to thrive. You can get raid of cockroaches by applying boric acid, insecticide spray, bated traps, baking soda, and even bleach can solve the infestation situation quickly. You can use glue traps, put some caulking on all entry points. If the infestation persist, contact your professional local exterminator.